Journal Articles, peer-reviewed
Please use my researchgate site or contact me to access my texts.
(22) Forecasts can both improve and harm the accuracy and precision of expectations. Public Opinion Quarterly. With Matthew Barnfield, Joseph Phillips, Paula Szewach, Sabrina Stöckli Jack Thompson, Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, and Jason Reifler. Link available asap.
(21) The double-edged sword of user comments: social corrections reduce the perceived accuracy of both false and real news in the UK, Germany, and Italy. Communications Psychology. With Sabrina Stöckli, Besir Ceka, Ben Lyons, Chiara Ricchi and Jason Reifler. Link.
(20) When Experts Matter: Variations in Consensus Messaging for Vaccine and GMO Safety. Public Understanding of Science. With Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, Jason Reifler, Nina Spälti, and Christine Stednitz. Link.
(19) Public Perceptions and Misperceptions of Political Authority in the European Union. European Union Politics. With Vitorio Merola, Jack Thompson, Ben Lyons, and Jason Reifler. Link.
(18) Correlates of support for international vaccine solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-sectional survey evidence from Germany. PLOS ONE. With Jack Thompson, Sabrina Stöckli, Joseph Philips, Matt Barnfield, Ben Lyons, Vitorio Merola, and Jason Reifler. Link.
(17) Vaccine attributes and vaccine uptake in Hungary: Evidence from a conjoint experiment. European Journal of Public Health. With Jack Thompson, Sabrina Stöckli, Nina Spälti, Joseph Philips, Matt Barnfield, Ben Lyons, Vitorio Merola, Paula Szewach, and Jason Reifler. Link.
(16) Partisanship and anti-elite world views as correlates of science and health beliefs in the multi-party system of Spain. Public Understanding of Science. With Nina Spälti, Ben Lyons, Sabrina Stöckli, Paula Szewach, Vittorio Merola, Paula Gonzales, and Jason Reifler. Link.
(15) Stamping the vaccine passport? Public support for lifting COVID-19 related restrictions for vaccinated citizens in France, Germany, and Sweden. Vaccine. With Sabrina Stöckli, Joseph Phillips, Benjamin Lyons, Vittorio Mérola, Matthew Barnfield, Paula Szewach, Jack Thompson, and Jason Reifler. Link
(14) The Politics of Vaccine Hesitancy in Europe. European Journal of Public Health. With Charlie Carter, Ben Lyons, and Jason Reifer. Link.
(13) Which Vaccine Attributes foster Vaccine Uptake? A Cross-Country Conjoint Experiment". PLOS ONE. With Sabrina Stöckli, Jack Thompson, Anna Spälti, Joseph Philips, Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, Jason Reifler, Matthew Barnfield and Paula Szewach. Accepted. Link.
(12) Political Tolerance in Europe: The Role of Conspiratorial Thinking and Cosmopolitanism. European Journal of Political Research. With Besir Ceka. Link.
(11) Public Misperceptions of European Integration. With Ben Lyons and Jason Reifler. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. Link
(10) Association of Vaccine Hesitancy and Immunization Coverage Rates in the European Union. With Charlie Carter, Ben Lyons, and Jason Reifer. Vaccine. Preprint available here and published version here.
(9) Partisanship and public opinion of COVID- 19: Does emphasizing Trump and his administration’s response to the pandemic affect public opinion about the coronavirus? With Spälti, Anna Katharina, Benjamin Lyons, Vittorio Mérola, Jason Reifler, Christine Stedtnitz, and Paula Szewach. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. Link.
(8) Conspiratorial thinking and foreign policy views: Evidence from Central Europe. With Michal Onderco. Forthcoming in the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. Link.
(7) How Politics Shape Views Toward Fact-Checking: Evidence from 6 European Countries. With Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, and Jason Reifler. The International Journal of Press/Politics. Volume: 25 issue: 3, page(s): 469-492. Link
(6) The Politics of International Redistribution: Explaining Public Support for Fiscal Transfers in the EU. With Hanna Kleider. European Journal of Political Research. Volume58, Issue1, February 2019, Pages 4-29.
(22) Forecasts can both improve and harm the accuracy and precision of expectations. Public Opinion Quarterly. With Matthew Barnfield, Joseph Phillips, Paula Szewach, Sabrina Stöckli Jack Thompson, Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, and Jason Reifler. Link available asap.
(21) The double-edged sword of user comments: social corrections reduce the perceived accuracy of both false and real news in the UK, Germany, and Italy. Communications Psychology. With Sabrina Stöckli, Besir Ceka, Ben Lyons, Chiara Ricchi and Jason Reifler. Link.
(20) When Experts Matter: Variations in Consensus Messaging for Vaccine and GMO Safety. Public Understanding of Science. With Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, Jason Reifler, Nina Spälti, and Christine Stednitz. Link.
(19) Public Perceptions and Misperceptions of Political Authority in the European Union. European Union Politics. With Vitorio Merola, Jack Thompson, Ben Lyons, and Jason Reifler. Link.
(18) Correlates of support for international vaccine solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-sectional survey evidence from Germany. PLOS ONE. With Jack Thompson, Sabrina Stöckli, Joseph Philips, Matt Barnfield, Ben Lyons, Vitorio Merola, and Jason Reifler. Link.
(17) Vaccine attributes and vaccine uptake in Hungary: Evidence from a conjoint experiment. European Journal of Public Health. With Jack Thompson, Sabrina Stöckli, Nina Spälti, Joseph Philips, Matt Barnfield, Ben Lyons, Vitorio Merola, Paula Szewach, and Jason Reifler. Link.
(16) Partisanship and anti-elite world views as correlates of science and health beliefs in the multi-party system of Spain. Public Understanding of Science. With Nina Spälti, Ben Lyons, Sabrina Stöckli, Paula Szewach, Vittorio Merola, Paula Gonzales, and Jason Reifler. Link.
(15) Stamping the vaccine passport? Public support for lifting COVID-19 related restrictions for vaccinated citizens in France, Germany, and Sweden. Vaccine. With Sabrina Stöckli, Joseph Phillips, Benjamin Lyons, Vittorio Mérola, Matthew Barnfield, Paula Szewach, Jack Thompson, and Jason Reifler. Link
(14) The Politics of Vaccine Hesitancy in Europe. European Journal of Public Health. With Charlie Carter, Ben Lyons, and Jason Reifer. Link.
(13) Which Vaccine Attributes foster Vaccine Uptake? A Cross-Country Conjoint Experiment". PLOS ONE. With Sabrina Stöckli, Jack Thompson, Anna Spälti, Joseph Philips, Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, Jason Reifler, Matthew Barnfield and Paula Szewach. Accepted. Link.
(12) Political Tolerance in Europe: The Role of Conspiratorial Thinking and Cosmopolitanism. European Journal of Political Research. With Besir Ceka. Link.
(11) Public Misperceptions of European Integration. With Ben Lyons and Jason Reifler. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. Link
(10) Association of Vaccine Hesitancy and Immunization Coverage Rates in the European Union. With Charlie Carter, Ben Lyons, and Jason Reifer. Vaccine. Preprint available here and published version here.
(9) Partisanship and public opinion of COVID- 19: Does emphasizing Trump and his administration’s response to the pandemic affect public opinion about the coronavirus? With Spälti, Anna Katharina, Benjamin Lyons, Vittorio Mérola, Jason Reifler, Christine Stedtnitz, and Paula Szewach. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. Link.
(8) Conspiratorial thinking and foreign policy views: Evidence from Central Europe. With Michal Onderco. Forthcoming in the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. Link.
(7) How Politics Shape Views Toward Fact-Checking: Evidence from 6 European Countries. With Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, and Jason Reifler. The International Journal of Press/Politics. Volume: 25 issue: 3, page(s): 469-492. Link
(6) The Politics of International Redistribution: Explaining Public Support for Fiscal Transfers in the EU. With Hanna Kleider. European Journal of Political Research. Volume58, Issue1, February 2019, Pages 4-29.

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(5) Mobilizing citizens for costly policies: the conditional effect of party cues on support for international bailouts in the European Union. With Theresa Kuhn, forthcoming at the Journal of Common Market Studies.
(4) Contact and Community: The Role of Social Interactions for a Political Identity. (2016) Political Psychology. 37(3) 431-442.
(3) Contact, Identity, and Political Attitudes [Kontakt, Identität und politische Einstellungen] (2015). Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 50, 241-262.
(2) When European Integration Becomes Costly: The Euro Crisis and Public Support for European Economic Governance (2014). Journal of European Public Policy. 21(4), 624-641, with Theresa Kuhn.
(1) Ambivalent or Indifferent? Reconsidering the Structure of EU Public Opinion (2013). European Union Politics. 14(1) 23–45.
(4) Contact and Community: The Role of Social Interactions for a Political Identity. (2016) Political Psychology. 37(3) 431-442.
- Contribution to the LSE blog (Sep. 2016)
- Coverage in CITYLAB from The Atlantic (May 2017)
- Coverage in Conacento in Spanish (June 2017)
- Converage and discussion on Hookii in Italian (Oct. 2016)
- Coverage in Times Higher Education (THE) (May 2020)
(3) Contact, Identity, and Political Attitudes [Kontakt, Identität und politische Einstellungen] (2015). Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 50, 241-262.
(2) When European Integration Becomes Costly: The Euro Crisis and Public Support for European Economic Governance (2014). Journal of European Public Policy. 21(4), 624-641, with Theresa Kuhn.
- Received the Best Paper Award of the Journal of European Public Policy for the best paper published in 2014.
- See also this contribution to the Max Weber blog of the European University Institute
(1) Ambivalent or Indifferent? Reconsidering the Structure of EU Public Opinion (2013). European Union Politics. 14(1) 23–45.
- Received the James W. Prothro Award for outstanding research by a graduate student from the Department of Political Science at the University of North Carolina
Book chapters, peer-reviewed
EU Media Salience, Instrumental Thinking and Identification with the EU (2011). In: Issue Salience in International Politics, eds. K. Oppermann and H. Viehrig, New York: Routledge, 137-155.
Other Publications
The European Public Sphere, the Media, and Support for European Integration (2009). Berliner Studien zur Soziologie Europas (BSSE), Nr. 20, Berlin: Freie Universität.