Florian Stoeckel, PhD Professor at the University of Exeter
In my research I seek to unravel how citizens understand society and how they form preferences. I focus on some of the most important issues that shape the conflicts of our time such as misinformation, gender inequality, and the interaction of AI and politics. My work is published in the European Journal of Political Research, Political Psychology, European Union Politics, the Journal of Common Market Studies, the International Journal of Press/Politics, the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, and the Journal of European Public Policy.
I am the Principal Investigator of several projects. One line of my research deals with fake news, AI and solutions to the problem of misinformation on social media (www.citizen-online.org, funded by the British Academy). Since January 2023, I am also leading a Work Package of the Horizon and UKRI funded project PushBackLash where my work focuses on attitudes towards gender equality and diversity. My work revolving around AI and politics is summarised here.
31.5.2024 Open Day Talk @ the University of Exeter Link
26/4/2024 Talk at the Institute for Political Science (IPZ) at the University of Zurich about AI in Political Science Teaching.
5/4/2024 New article conditionally accepted: Forecasts can both improve and harm the accuracy and precision of expectations. Public Opinion Quarterly. With Matthew Barnfield, Joseph Phillips, Paula Szewach, Sabrina Stöckli Jack Thompson, Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, and Jason Reifler. Link available asap.
Slides (PDF / PPT) for talk at the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute, Florence, March 27, 2024.
11/9/2023 New article accepted. The double-edged sword of user comments: social corrections reduce the perceived accuracy of both false and real news in the UK, Germany, and Italy. At Nature's new journal Communications Psychology. With Sabrina Stöckli, Besir Ceka, Ben Lyons, Chiara Ricchi and Jason Reifler.
29/6/2023 New articled accepted at Public Understanding of Science. When Experts Matter: Variations in Consensus Messaging for Vaccine and genetically modified organism safety. With Ben Lyons, Vittorio Merola, Jason Reifler, Nina Spälti, and Christine Stednitz. Link
13/6/2023 New article accepted at European Union Politics. Public Perceptions and Misperceptions of Political Authority in the European Union. With Vitorio Merola, Jack Thompson, Ben Lyons, and Jason Reifler. Link.
2/6/2023 New article accepted at PLOS ONE. Correlates of support for international vaccine solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-sectional survey evidence from Germany. With Jack Thompson, Sabrina Stöckli, Joseph Philips, Matt Barnfield, Ben Lyons, Vitorio Merola, and Jason Reifler. Link.
27/01/2023 New article accepted at the European Journal of Public Health. Vaccine attributes and vaccine uptake in Hungary: Evidence from a conjoint experiment. With Jack Thompson, Sabrina Stöckli, Nina Spälti, Joseph Philips, Matt Barnfield, Ben Lyons, Vitorio Merola, Paula Szewach, and Jason Reifler. Link.